Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 6, Verse 4

यदा हि नेन्द्रियार्थेषु न कर्मस्वनुषज्जते |
सर्वसङ्कल्पसंन्यासी योगारूढस्तदोच्यते || 4||

yadā hi nendriyārtheṣhu na karmasv-anuṣhajjate
sarva-saṅkalpa-sannyāsī yogārūḍhas tadochyate

yadāwhen; hicertainly; nanot; indriya-artheṣhufor sense-objects; nanot; karmasuto actions; anuṣhajjateis attachment; sarva-saṅkalpaall desires for the fruits of actions; sanyāsīrenouncer; yoga-ārūḍhaḥelevated in the science of Yog; tadāat that time; uchyateis said

yada hi nendriyartheshu na karmasv-anushajjate
sarva-sankalpa-sannyasi yogarudhas tadochyate


BG 6.4: When one is neither attached to sense objects nor to actions, such a person is said to be elevated in the science of Yog, having renounced all desires for the fruits of actions.


As the mind becomes attached to God in Yog, it naturally becomes detached from the world. So an easy criterion of evaluating the state of one’s mind is to check whether it has become free from all material desires. A person will be considered detached from the world when one no longer craves for sense objects nor is inclined to perform any actions for attaining them. Such a person ceases to look for opportunities to create circumstances to enjoy sensual pleasures, eventually extinguishes all thoughts of enjoying sense objects, and also dissolves the memories of previous enjoyments.

The mind now no longer gushes into self-centered activities at the urge of the senses. When we achieve this level of mastery over the mind, we will be considered elevated in Yog.

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